Edible Gardens, Fruit Trees and Lush Plaza

A Generous Harvest from our Gardens

Acequia Jardin, which means a ditch-irrigated garden in Spanish, is fortunate to have the right to water our community garden with irrigation water from the river in the centuries-old New Mexican tradition. The 2000+ sq. foot terraced garden grows fresh herbs, flowers, vegetables and berries for us to share.

We grow without chemicals and have the pollinating help of butterflies and bees. One corner has a compost bin and in the center a henhouse–for recycling kitchen & garden waste and keeping the garden fertile. The surrounding areas are dotted with the best climate-adapted varieties of fruit trees in order to round out our menus.

Our 1700-gallon cistern provides water collected from the carport roofs for drip irrigation to the terraces edging the large garden pond.

IMG_0442.jpgThe novice and master gardeners among us enjoy exercising, learning, and meditating ….in the soil, under the sun.

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